How to Setup and Monitor health of applications in Kubernetes Cluster using Prometheus, Grafana, WeaveScope and Loki

Grafana and Prometheus are some of the most common analytical tools used for monitoring and visualising the health of software applications. We can set the target of the Prometheus to collect data from targets that are monitored by scraping them from HTTP endpoints on these targets, while Grafana can be used to create the dashboards to visualise the data. These monitoring tools are widely used in DevOps to monitor various system and application resources utilization such as Storage, CPU, Memory, and Pods.  

Loki is a new multi-tenant aggregation system in Grafana that collects data from access logs. It is a cost-effective and easy to operate module that labels each log stream rather than indexing the contents of the entire log. 

WeaveScope is another useful tool to visualise the network and troubleshoot CPU consumption and memory leaks. It provides a nice visual representation of the entire infrastructure including a top-down view of the application. It is very useful in diagnosing any problem in the distributed containerised applications.

Prerequisite for using the aforementioned tools

  1. We require a running Kubernetes cluster. Although it works well on any Kubernetes setup, we will nevertheless use a managed GKE cluster in this demo.
  2. If you are using a self-hosted installation, pre-install and configure the Kubernetes Metrics server on your cluster.
  3. Install Cloud SDK installer from Installing Google Cloud SDK | Cloud SDK Documentation.
  4. The user must be connected to a VPN while following the deployment procedure.  

Overview of the Process

  1. Installation of helm if it not installed
  2. Adding chart/repository after the installation
  3. Setting Up and configuring Prometheus and Grafana
  4. Setting Up and configuring Loki
  5. Setting Up and configuring Weave Scope

Let’s get started!

Step 1 – Installation of the Helm

To install the helm, use the following commands.

  • tar -xvf helm-v3.2.4-linux-amd64.tar.gz$ sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/bin/
  • sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/helm
  • Helm version

The output you will get would look something like this – 

version.BuildInfo{Version:“v3.2.1”, GitCommit:“fe51cd1e31e6a202cba7dead9552a6d418ded79a”, GitTreeState:“clean”, GoVersion:“go1.13.10”}

Step 2 – Adding Charts and Repositories

Once the Helm is setup, add the chart or repo as follows

Search for stable Prometheus or Grafana releases

  • helm search repo stable | findstr Prometheus
  • helm search repo stable | findstr grafana
  • helm search repo stable | findstr weave-scope

Additionally, you can run the following command to install Prometheus Chart:

$ kubectl create ns monitoring

namespace/monitoring created

Step 3 – Setting Up and configuring Prometheus and Grafana.

To install and setup Prometheus and Grafana, follow the following commands

Prometheus with Grafana:

$ helm install Prometheus stable/Prometheus-operator –namespace monitoring

Prometheus without Grafana:

$ helm install prometheus stable/prometheus-operator –set grafana.enabled=false –namespace monitoring

$ kubectl –namespace monitoring get pods -l “release=prometheus”

To access Prometheus, the following commands will help you

$ kubectl port-forward -n monitoring Prometheus-Prometheus-Prometheus-oper-Prometheus-0 9090

Forwarding from -> 9090


To access the Grafana Dashboard (prometheus-grafana), run the command as mentioned below:

$ kubectl get pod -n monitoring|grep grafana (Linux)


$ kubectl get pod -n monitoring|findstr grafana (Windows)

$ kubectl port-forward -n monitoring 3000

Forwarding from -> 3000

Figure 1: A glimpse of Grafana Dashboard (Prometheus-Grafana


username: {username}

password: {password}

Step 4 – Setting up and configuring Loki

Here, we will install Loki with Helm

$ kubectl create namespace loki

$ helm repo add loki

$ helm repo update

$ helm upgrade –install loki loki/loki-stack –namespace=loki –set grafana.enabled=true

$ kubectl get secret loki-grafana –namespace=loki -o jsonpath=”{.data.admin-password}” | base64 –decode ; echo

Note: We got some secret key, copied that as a Password for Loki Grafana

$ kubectl port-forward –namespace loki service/loki-grafana 3001:80

To access the Loki-Grafana Dashboard, you would require the mentioned login details: 


username: admin

password: MAIpYOQjdb58jgyRaT0lFQb9Sm1h8HCBddScY5yo

Figure 2: Loki-Grafana Dashboard
Figure 3: A detailed glimpse of Loki-Grafana Dashboard

Step 5 – Setting up and configuring Weave Scope.

We will install Weavescope using the Helm

$ kubectl create namespace tiller-world
$ kubectl create serviceaccount tiller –namespace tiller-world

We have to create 3 YAML files with the following name:

kind: Role
name: tiller-manager
namespace: tiller-world
– apiGroups: [“”, “batch”, “extensions”, “apps”]resources: [“*”]verbs: [“*”]

Further, run this command:

$ kubectl create -f role-tiller.yaml


kind: RoleBinding
name: tiller-binding
namespace: tiller-world
– kind: ServiceAccount
name: tiller
namespace: tiller-world
kind: Role
name: tiller-manager

Lastly, run this command to get the final result:

$ kubectl create -f rolebinding-tiller.yaml


kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: weave-scope-bindings
– kind: Group
name: system:serviceaccounts:tiller-world ##namespace
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin

Run this command:
$ kubectl create -f clusterrolebinding.yaml

To add a Stable weave-scope, the following command would come in handy:
$ helm repo add stable

Further, to install stable weave-scope:
$ helm install tiller-world stable/weave-scope –namespace=tiller-world –set rbac.create=true

Additional specification to look out for

➔ To start the tiller-world service:
$ kubectl get svc -n tiller-world

tiller-world-weave-scope ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 28s

➔ To access Weave Scope:
$ kubectl port-forward -n tiller-world svc/tiller-world-weave-scope 4040:80


Figure 4: A look of the Weavescope

Lastly, if you were ever to uninstall weave-scope, the following command should do the trick

$ helm uninstall tiller-world stable/weave-scope –namespace=tiller-world

$ kubectl delete -f role-tiller.yaml

$ kubectl delete -f rolebinding-tiller.yaml

$ kubectl delete -f clusterrolebinding.yaml

$ kubectl get namespaces

$ kubectl delete namespace <namespace-name>

The commands mentioned above should be enough to start with Prometheus and Grafana and guide you in the right direction.

All the best!  Connect with us here.

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