This process begins as soon as the developer commits the code to Version Control System
This process begins as soon as the developer commits the code to Version Control System
We package the source code and containerize along with its dependencies using Docker and so they can be deployed on any platforms OnPrem or Cloud
We can package applications built using Java, Python, Javascript & PHP.
We support various platforms for the deployment on either on-prem or cloud hosted. The below services we use for the Deployment,
Docker Swarm
Cloud Run / AWS Lambda
Once the analysis is completed and defined quality gate metrics are passed the build is automatically pushed to the respective environments without manual intervention
Once the application is packaged, we use the CI/CD tools to automate the build and run static code check for vulnerabilities scan of the code using various VAPT tools.
As a post deployment action we introduce monitoring tools to continuously monitor the services and servers for its availability and health checks.
We support Load Balance testing for the servers.
We support Notification Service for each Stages on the CI/CD workflow, Application Status and Servers Status.